
■Are You Undervaluing Your Customers?

要約 ハーバード 米国 ビジネス知識源
Leaders recognize that they should manage their businesses to maximize the value of the customer base. But too often, earnings pressures result in cost-cutting measures that hurt customers. They create systems for measuring customer value and invest in the necessary enabling technology; they use design thinking methods to build customer loyalty; they organize the business around customer needs; and they engage the organization and stakeholders- employees, board members, investors- in the transformation. And they report on their results in formats that allow investors and other stakeholders to make informed judgments. リーダーは、ビジネスを管理して、 顧客ベースの価値を最大化をするのが仕事だ。 しかし、実際にはあまりにも頻繁に、収益をあげようとする圧力に負けて、 顧客にとってマイナスになるコスト削減措置をとってしまう。


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  • 要約 ハーバード 米国 ビジネス知識源
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