
【高校英語】過去問攻略!大学入試センター試験 vol.845≪2020年第3問B≫[30]

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆   【高校英語】過去問攻略!大学入試センター試験 vol.845      ≪2020年第3問B≫  月・水・土発行  2020/2/26配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ このメルマガでは、大学入試センター試験の問題を詳細に解説します。 今回取り上げる問題は、2020年英語第3問Bです。 ■ 問題 第3問 B 次の会話は、慈善活動の企画に関して大学生たちが行った やりとりの一部である。[ 30 ]~[ 32 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ 下の{1}~{4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 Akira: Hey, guys. Thanks for dropping in. I've asked you all to meet here today to come up with ideas about how to raise money for our annual charity event. We'll have about a month this summer to earn as much as we can. Any thoughts? Teresa: How about doing odd jobs around the neighborhood? Akira: What's that? I've never heard of it. Jenna: Oh, I guess it's not common here in Japan. It can be anything, you know, doing stuff around the house like cutting the grass, washing the windows, or cleaning out the garage. When I was a high school student back in the US, I made 300 dollars one summer by doing yard work around the neighborhood. And soemtimes people will ask you to run around town for them to pick up the dry cleaning or do the grocery shopping. It's pretty typical way for young people to earn some extra money. Akira: So, Jenna, you're saying that [ 30 ]? {1} cleaning up the yard is quite valuable work {2} dividing housework among the family is best {3} doing random jobs is a way to make money {4} gardening will sure be profitable in the US Jenna: Yeah, I think that it could work in Japan, too. つづく


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