
【高校英語】過去問攻略!大学入試センター試験 vol.930≪2016年第4問B≫

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆   【高校英語】過去問攻略!大学入試センター試験 vol.930       ≪2016年第4問B≫  月・水・土発行  2020/9/12配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ このメルマガでは、大学入試センター試験の問題を詳細に解説します。 今回取り上げる問題は、2016年英語第4問Bです。 ■ 問題 B 次のページの美術館に関するウェブサイトを読み、次の問い(問1~3)の [ 39 ]~[ 41 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ{1}~{4}のうちから 一つずつ選べ。 問1 Kazuko, a 19-year-old shop assistant, wants to participate in a museum activity but is only free on weekday evenings. Which activity will she most likely choose? [ 39 ] {1} Comprehensive tour {2} Drawing class {3} Photography workshop {4} Short tour 問2 A retired couple and their 6-year-old grandchild wish to participate together in a weekday afternoon activity. Which activity will they most likely choose and how much will they pay in total? [ 40 ] {1} Comprehensive tour, $20 {2} Comprehensive tour, $40 {3} Short tour, $20 {4} Short tour, $28 問3 Which of the following is true according to the website? [ 41 ] {1} Advance booking is not necessary for "Art Talks." {2} Comprehensive tours are held every day. {3} The admission fee is not included in the fees of tours. {4} There are lectures given by amateur artists.


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