
【高校英語】過去問攻略!大学入試センター試験 vol.975≪平成29年試行テスト第4問≫本文序盤

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆   【高校英語】過去問攻略!大学入試センター試験 vol.975    ≪平成29年試行テスト第4問≫  月・水・土発行  2020/12/26配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 共通テスト対策を兼ねて、試行テストの解説を配信していきます。 ■ 問題 第4問 In class, everyone wrote a report based on the two graphs below. You will now read the reports written by Ami and Greg. ------------------------------------ A survey was given to people between the ages of 13 and 29. To answer the question in Graph 2, the participants were able to choose more than one reason. ------------------------------------ [Graph1: Are You Interested in Volunteer Work? (%)] Japan|Yes[35.1]|No[41.9]|Undecided{23.0]| Korea|[56.9]|[28.1]|[15.0]| USA |[61.1]|[26.4]|[12.5]| Sweden|[42.8]|[29.0]|[28.2]| ------------------------------------ [Graph2: Why Are You Interested in Volunteering? (%) To help people in need|Japan: 65.4            |Korea: 70.9            |USA: 75.8            |Sweden: 60.5 To make my community better|Japan: 48.4               |Korea: 35.4               |USA: 62.9               |Sweden: 51.0 To meet new people|Japan: 49.6          |Korea: 38.2          |USA: 40.9          |Sweden: 44.0 To gain advantages |Japan: 14.8 for school and work |Korea: 21.4           |USA: 31.9           |Sweden: 42.3 ------------------------------------                            [Ami Kitamura] I was surprised when I saw Graph 1 because the percentage of Japanese participants who are interested in volunteering was higher than I had expected. As fa as I know, none of my friends are doing any volunteer activities. So, I think we should motivate students in Japan to do more volunteering. In order to do that, it's important to consider the morits of doing volunteer work. According to Graph 2, 65.4% of Japanese paricipants said they are interested in volunteering because they want to help people in need. Also, the percentage of Japanese participants who chose "To meet new people" was the highest among the four countries. I think more Japanese students should learn about the benefits of volunteering. Thus, for the school festival I plan to make a poster that says, "You can help people in need and make new friends at the same time!" I hope many students will see it and become more interested in volunteer work. ------------------------------------                             [Greg Taylor] In the USA, volunteering is common, so I was not surprised that it has the highest percentage of people who are interested in volunteer work. Graph 2 shows that a lot of American participants answered they are interesed in volunteer work because they want to help people in need. I think this reason is important because students would feed a sense of achievement by helping people. However I was shocked to see that only 35.1% of Japanese participants are interested in volunteer work. I thought it would be more common in Japan. According to the information on Graph 2, only a few participants in Japan recognize the advantages for school and work. I recently heard Japanese universities and companies now put more value on volunteer experience than before. If more students understand these advantages, I think their interest in volunteering will increase. Students should do volunteer work for the following two reasons. First, helping people in need will give students a feeling of accomplishment. Second, volunteering will also provide them with advantages for their future career. Therefore, I will compose a newsletter about these two benefits of doing volunteer work, and distribute it to students at school. ------------------------------------ 問1 [ 20 ] felt that the percentage of Japanese participant who were interested in volunteer work was lower than expected. {1} Ami {2} Both Ami and Greg {3} Greg {4} Neither Ami nor Greg


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