
【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1072≪2012年第3問A≫

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆   【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1072      ≪2012年第3問A≫  月・水・土発行  2021/8/9 配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 今回取り上げる問題は、2012年大学入試センター試験英語第3問Aです。 ■ 問題 第3問 次の問い(A~C)に答えよ。 A 次の問い(問1・問2)の英文を読み、下線部の語句の意味をそれぞれの文章 から推測し、[ 27 ]・[ 28 ]に入れるのに最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の{1}~ {4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 問1 Mr.Matsumoto is an English teacher who believes English classes should start with a joke. He always tries hard to create funny jokes. Some of his students have complained about his jokes being a waste of time. His colleagues also have advised him not to spend so much time writing jokes. However, Mr.Matsumoto is such [an obstinate person] that he will not listen to them and continues to spend a lot of time making up jokes for his classes. In this situation, [an obstinate person] means a person who is [ 27 ]. {1} flexible about ideas {2} generous to his students {3} unable to reject criticism {4} unwilling to change his mind 問2 Paul: Have you heard about Erina's accident? On a rainy day last month, she was hurt when she slipped and fell on her knees. John: I know. She had to see a doctor regularly for a month. Paul Yeah. Her doctor said she's fine now. I've heard she has already started taking dance classes again. John: Oh, good. She's [right as rain] then. In this situation, [right as rain] means [ 28 ]. {1} fully recovered {2} quite helpful {3} really careful {4} very dependent


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