
【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1364≪2023年共通テスト第2問A≫

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆    【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1364          ≪2023年共通テスト第2問A≫     2023/6/21配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 今回は2023年共通テスト英語第2問Aを解説します。 ■ 問題 第2問 A You want to buy a good pair of shoes as you walk a long way to school and often get sore feet. You are searching on a UK website and find this advertisement. ┌────────────────────────────────────┐ |     [Navi 55 presents the new Smart Support shoe line]      | |                                    | |Smart Support shoes are strong, long-lasting, and reasonably priced.   | |They are available in three colours and styles.             | |                                    | |             [Special Features]              | |Smart Support shoes have a nano-chip which analyses the shape of your  | |feet when connected to the iSupport application. Download the app onto | |your smartphone, PC, tablet, and/or smartwatch. Then, while wearing the | |shoes, let the chip collect the data about your feet. The inside of the | |shoe will automatically adjust to give correct, personalised foot    | |support. As with other Navi 55 products, the shoes have our popular   | |Route Memory function.                         | |                                    | |              [Advantages]                | |[Better Balance]: Adjusting how you stand, the personalised support   | | helps keep feet, legs, and back free from pain.            | |[Promotes Exercise]: As they are so comfortable, you will be willing to | | walk regularly.                            | |[Route Memory]: The chip records your daily route, distance, and pace as| | you walk.                               | |[Route Options]: View your live location on your device, have the    | | directions play automatically in your earphones, or use your     | |smartwatch to read directions.                     | └────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────────────────────┐ |[Customers' Comments]                          | |● I like the choices for getting directions, and prefer using audio  | | guidance to visual guidance.                     | |● I lost 2 kg in a month!                       | |● I love my pair now, but it took me several days to get used to them. | |● As they don't slip in the rain, I wear mine all year round.     | |● They are so light and comfortable I even wear them when cycling.   | |● Easy to get around! I don't need to worry about getting lost.    | |● They look great. The app's basic features are easy to use, but I   | | wouldn't pay for the optional advanced ones.             | └────────────────────────────────────┘ 問1 According to the maker's statements, which best describes the new shoes? [ 6 ] {1} Cheap summer shoes {2} High-tech everyday shoes {3} Light comfortable shoes {4} Stylish colourful cycling shoes 問2 Which benefit offered by the shoes is most likely to appeal to you? [ 7 ] {1} Getting more regular exercise {2} Having personalised foot support {3} Knowing how fast you walk {4} Looking cool wearing them 問3 One [opinion] stated by a customer is that [ 8 ]. {1} the app encourages fast walking {2} the app's free functions are user-friendly {3} the shoes are good value for money {4} the shoes increase your cycling speed 問4 One customer's comment mentions using audio devices. Which benefit is this comment based on? [ 9 ] {1} Better Balance {2} Promotes Exercise {3} Route Memory {4} Route Options 問5 According to one customer's opinion, [ 10 ] is recommended. {1} allowing time to get accustomed to wearing the shoes {2} buying a watch to help you lose weight {3} connecting to the app before putting the shoes on {4} paying for the iSupport advanced features ※一部記号は省略または類似のものに変更、マーク部分の□や下線部は[ ]、 マル1は{1}で表記しています。


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