
【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1398≪2023年共通テスト追試第2問A≫完成

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆   【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1398       ≪2023年共通テスト追試第2問A≫  2023/9/9配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 今回は2023年共通テスト追試第2問Aをスラッシュリーディングします。 ■ 問題 第2問 A You are a member of a school newspaper club and received a message from Paul, an exchange student from the US. I have a suggestion for our next issue. The other day, I was looking for a new wallet for myself and found a website selling small slim wallets which are designed to hold cards and a few bills. Weighing only 60 g, they look stylish. As I mainly use electronic money, this type of wallet seemed useful. I shared the link with my friends and asked them what they thought. Here are their comments: ・ I use a similar wallet now, and it holds cards securely. ・ They look perfect for me as I walk a lot, and it would be easy to carry. ・ I’d definitely use one if the store near my house accepted electronic money. ・ Cards take up very little space. Cashless payments make it easier to collect points. ・ I use both electronic money and cash. What would I do with my coins? ・ Interesting! Up to 6 cards can fit in it, but for me that is a card- holder, not a wallet. ・ I like to keep things like receipts in my wallet. When I asked my brother, though, he told me he wanted one! ・ They are so compact that I might not even notice if I lost mine. When I talked with them, even those who don't like this type of wallet pointed out some merits of using cards and electronic money. This made me wonder why many students still use bills and coins, and I thought this might be a good topic for our newspaper. What do you think? 問1 Which question did Paul probably ask his friends? [ 6 ] {1} Do you carry a wallet? {2} Do you use electronic money? {3} What do you keep in your wallet? {4} What do you think about these wallets? 問2 A fact about a slim wallet mentioned by one of Paul’s friends is that it [ 7 ]. {1} can hold half a dozen cards {2} can slip out of a pocket easily {3} is ideal for walkers {4} is lighter than 80g 問3 One response shows that one of Paul's friends [ 8 ]. {1} finds slim wallets cool but doesn’t want to use one {2} prefers the capacity of a regular wallet {3} thinks slim wallets will be less popular in the future {4} uses a slim wallet with another wallet for coins 問4 According to Paul's friend, using the wallet with electronic money makes it easier to [ 9 ]. {1} carry safely {2} receive benefits {3} record receipts {4} use at any shop 問5 Paul wants to find out more about [ 10 ]. {1} different types of electronic money {2} students’ reasons for using cash {3} the benefits of slim wallets for young people {4} the differences between small and large wallets


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