
【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1416≪2023年共通テスト追試第4問≫

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆    【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1416         ≪2023年共通テスト追試第4問≫     2023/10/21配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 今回は2023年共通テスト追試第4問の内容を掲載します。 ■ 問題 第4問 You and two friends have rented a section of a community garden for the first time. Your friends have written emails about their ideas for growing vegetables in the garden. Based on their ideas, you reply to finalize the garden plans. March 23, 2023 Our Garden Plan Hi! Daniel here! I scanned this great planting chart in a gardening book I got from the library. The black circles show when to plant seeds directly into the soil. The black squares show when to plant seedlings, which are like baby plants. The stars show when to harvest a vegetable. Planting Schedule (表は省略します) It's already late March, so I think we should plant the potatoes now. We can harvest them in June, and then plant them again in August. Also, I'd like to plant the carrots at the same time as the potatoes, and the cabbages the next month. After harvesting them in July, we can put in cabbage seedlings at the same time as we plant the onions. We won't be able to eat our onions until next year! I have bought tomato seedlings and would like to give them more time to grow before planting them. Let's plant the beans toward the end of April, and the tomatoes the following month. Let's discuss the garden layout. We will have a 6 × 6 meter area and it can be divided into two halves, north and south. Beans, cabbages, and tomatoes grow above the ground so let’s grow them together. How about in the southern part? We can grow the carrots, potatoes, and onions together because they all grow underground. They will go in the northern part. March 24, 2023 Re: Our Garden Plan Thanks, Daniel! Rachel here. Your schedule is great, but I'd like to make some changes to your garden layout. We have six vegetables, so why don’t we divide the garden into six sections? We have to be careful about which vegetables we plant next to one another. I did a little research in a gardening book about the vegetables we'll grow. Some of our vegetables grow well together and they are called "friends." Others don't and they are "enemies." Our layout must consider this. First, the tomatoes should go in the southern part of the garden. Tomatoes and cabbages are enemies and should be separated. Let’s plant the cabbages in the southwest corner. The onions can be put in the middle because they are friends of both tomatoes and cabbages. Next, let’s think about the northern part of the garden. Let’s put the beans in the western corner because beans and cabbages are friends. Carrots are friends with tomatoes so planting them in the eastern corner would be better. Potatoes can go in the middle. They are friends with beans and neutral with onions. Well, what do you think of the layout? March 25, 2023 Re: Re: Our Garden Plan Hi! It’s me! Thanks for your excellent ideas! Below is the planting schedule Daniel suggested two days ago. First, we need to buy [ 24 ] kinds of seeds soon so we can plant them over the next two months! (表は省略します) I made this garden layout using Rachel's idea. It is similar to Daniel's. The vegetables in the northern and southern halves are almost the same. Only the [ 27 ] are in different areas. Rachel did a good job of considering friends and enemies. For our reference, I have made a chart. (表は省略します) We have not yet discussed [ 29 ], but I think we should. 問1 Choose the best option for [ 24 ]. {1} 3 {2} 4 {3} 5 {4} 6 問2 Complete the planting schedule in your email. Choose the best option for [ 25 ]. [A] [B] [C] [D] {1} cabbages carrots beans tomatoes {2} cabbages carrots tomatoes beans {3} carrots cabbages beans tomatoes {4} carrots tomatoes cabbages beans 問3 Complete the garden layout information in your email. Choose the best option for [ 26 ]. [I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] {1} beans onions tomatoes cabbages potatoes carrots {2} beans potatoes carrots cabbages onions tomatoes {3} cabbages onions carrots beans potatoes tomatoes {4} cabbages potatoes tomatoes beans onions carrots Choose the best option for [ 27 ]. {1} beans and onions {2} cabbages and potatoes {3} carrots and tomatoes {4} onions and potatoes 問4 Which chart should appear in [ 28 ]? (◎ : friends, × : enemies) 問5 Choose the best option for [ 29 ]. {1} the difference between seeds and seedlings {2} the responsibilities of caring for the garden {3} the timing for collecting the crops {4} vegetables that should be planted together


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