

  • 2024/03/10
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◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ グロービッシュの 「3分で英語ニュースを読む」 Vol.94 ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ How are you doing? Let’s start Globish together! 今日はアイドル化しているとも言える大谷翔平 選手の話題です。 設問は、What is the identity of his wife? 【英文】 Joy, jealousy as baseball star Ohtani announces marriage People across Japan expressed elation, envy and expectations Feb.29 after the surprise news that Los Angeles Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani has tied the knot with a Japanese woman. “I am curious who she might be, but I’m sure she’s good person if Ohtani has chosen her. I hope they’ll be very happy,” said Hinako Kon, 30, in Sapporo. She said she watched Ohtani many times when he played for the Pacific League’s Hokkaido based Nippon Ham Fighters from 2013 to 2017. News of the union came from Ohtani’s instagram, in a brief post in which he wrote he has begun “a new life with someone from my native country of Japan who is very special to me.”


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  • 『3分で英語ニュースを読む』
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