

おはようございます。 八木翼です。 こちらでは、英語で私が概要を書いて、それをChatGPTに直してもらいたいと思います。 そして、それをAnkiに落とし込む形で利用できる英語を身につけれるようにしたいと思います。 "今日、私はNvidiaを見てみます。この株は急上昇しており、まだ終わっていません。 私たちは皆、'この株は下落するのか?'と知りたがっています。 下落したり、消え去ったりした多くの株がありました。 この観点から株式市場の歴史をもっと詳しく見てみましょう。" Today,I want to watch Nvidia. This stock has been skyrocketing and it's not over yet. We all want to know that "Is this stock fall?" There are a lot of stocks,that fell or vanish. Let's closely watch the stock market history from this view point. Revised Diary Entry: "Today, I want to watch Nvidia. This stock has been skyrocketing, and it's not over yet. We all want to know, 'Will this stock fall?' There have been many stocks that have fallen or vanished. Let's take a closer look at the stock market history from this viewpoint." 1."Today, I want to watch Nvidia." - This sentence is fine as is. 2."This stock has been skyrocketing, and it's not over yet." - Added a comma for clarity and flow. 3."We all want to know, 'Will this stock fall?'" - Changed "Is this stock fall?" to "Will this stock fall?" for grammatical correctness. "Is" is not the correct auxiliary verb for forming future tense questions; "will" is used instead. 4."There have been many stocks that have fallen or vanished." - Changed "There are a lot of stocks, that fell or vanish." to a more grammatically correct structure. Removed the comma as it was unnecessary and corrected tense consistency ("have fallen" or "have vanished" instead of "fell" or "vanish"). ニュースを見てみましょう。 ---------------------------------------------- Ankiで暗記をしましょう。毎日5分!経済英語NEWS!に登場した単語のanki手帳をシェアしています。 https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1356411385


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