
【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1485≪2024年共通テスト第4問≫議論の資料

□--■--□--■--□--■--□--------------------------------------------◆    【高校英語】共通テストの英文解釈 vol.1485        ≪2024年共通テスト第4問≫   2024/3/30配信 ◆----------------------------------------□--■--□--■--□--■--□--■ 目次・・・■ 問題 ■ 全文訳 ■ 解答・解説 ■ 語句 ■ 解答一覧 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 今回は2024年共通テスト第4問を解説します。 ■ 問題 第4問 Your college English club's room has several problems and you want to redesign it. Based on the following article and the results of a questionnaire given to members, you make a handout for a group discussion. ┌────────────────────────────────────┐ |          [What Makes a Good Classroom?]           | |      Diana Bashworth, writer at Trends in Education       | |                                    | | As many schools work to improve their classrooms, it is important to | |have some ideas for making design decisions. SIN, which stands for   | |Stimulation, Individualization, and Naturalness, is a framework that  | |might be helpful to consider when designing classrooms.         | | The first, Stimulation, has two aspects: color and complexity. This  | |has to do with the ceiling, floor, walls, and interior furnishings. For | |example, a classroom that lacks colors might be uninteresting. On the  | |other hand, a classroom should not be too colorful. A bright color could| |be used on one wall, on the floor, window coverings, or furniture. In  | |addition, it can be visually distracting to have too many things    | |displayed on walls. It is suggested that 20 to 30 percent of wall space | |remain free.                              | | The next item in the framework is Individualization, which includes  | |two considerations: ownership and flexibility. Ownership refers to   | |whether the classroom feels personalized. Examples of this include   | |having chairs and desks that are suitable for student sizes and ages,  | |and providing storage space and areas for displaying student works or  | |projects. Flexibility is about having a classroom that allows for    | |different kinds of activities.                     | | Naturalness relates to the quality and quantity of light, both natural| |and artificial, and the temperature of the classroom. Too much natural | |light may make screens and boards difficult to see; students may have  | |difficulty reading or writing if there is a lack of light. In addition, | |hot summer classrooms do not promote effective study. Schools should  | |install systems allowing for the adjustment of both light and      | |temperature.                              | | While Naturalness is more familiar to us, and therefore often     | |considered the priority, the other components are equally important.  | |Hopefully, these ideas can guide your project to a successful end.   | └────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────────────────────┐ |          [Results of the Questionnaire]           | |                                    | |[Q1: Choose any items that match your use of the English club's room.] | |┌───────────────────―──────────────┐| ||                     Number of club members = 38|| ||    Chatting in English |■4                  || ||   Chatting in Japanese |■■■■■■■■30           || ||Checking out English books |■■8                 || ||  Doing English homework |■■■10                || || Playing smartphone games |■■■■■18              || ||         Sleeping |■■■■■■■■■32          || ||           Other |■■■12                || |└──────────────────────────────────┘| |                                    | |[Q2: What do you think about the current English club's room?]     | |Main comments:                             | |Student 1(S1): I can't see the projector screen and whiteboard well on a| | sunny day. Also, there's no way to control the temperature.      | |S2: By the windows, the sunlight makes it hard to read. The other side | | of the room doesn't get enough light. Also, the books are disorganized| | and the walls are covered with posters. It makes me feel uncomfortable.| |S3: The chairs don't really fit me and the desks are hard to move when | | we work in small groups. Also, lots of members speak Japanese, even  | | though it's an English club.                     | |S4: The pictures of foreign countries on the walls make me want to speak| | English. Everyone likes the sofas――they are so comfortable that we | | often use the room for sleeping!                   | |S5: The room is so far away, so I hardly ever go there! Aren't there  | | other rooms available?                        | |S6: There's so much gray in the room. I don't like it. But it's good  | | that there are plenty of everyday English phrases on the walls!    | └────────────────────────────────────┘


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