

  • 2024/04/07
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◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ グロービッシュの 「3分で英語ニュースを読む」 Vol.98 ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ How are you doing? Let’s start Globish together! 遅咲きの桜も漸く満開となり、本格的な春の訪 れですね。今回は天気に関する用語を覚えまし ょう。 設問は:When do cherry blossoms in the capital burst into bloom? 【英文】 Tokyo marks record-high temperature For March The mercury in Tokyo on March 31 hit a record 28.1degrees Celsius for the month, with the weather giving a boost to those seeking to enjoy the cherry blossoms in parks around the capital. The Meteorologicak Agency said that the high had been marked at around 1:30 p.m.in Tokyo’s Chiyoda ward, besting the previous record of 25.3 C set in 2013. The temperature was the highest since records began in 1876. Yokohama also recorded its highest tem- perature for March on the same day, hitting 26.9C, while a broad swath of the Kanto region also saw records broken, including in Chiba, Saitama and Kanagawa prefectures.


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  • 『3分で英語ニュースを読む』
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